Back Row: L-R Vallerian Basargin, Macie Haskett, Jareth Walk, Clara Kolden, Nathaniel Spry, Caralina Janisch, Livia Basargin, Kolten Schow, Carter Fortman, Rodney Erofeeff, Hayden Johnson, Kalli Roy, Dominic Carlson; Middle Row:L-R Cora Altepeter, Jayden Haugen, Victoria Holmes, Lauren Ramberg,...
The 4th and 5th grade classrooms have been working on biographies during the months of April and May. They had a living “wax” museum on May 8th from 1-2:30 pm in the Win-E-Mac gymnasium. This is how it worked. Each student needed to pick a famous person in American History that they would like to...
The Win-E-Mac Academic, Athletic and Fine Arts awards banquet was held at the school on Wednesday, May 6, 2015. The banquet was prepared by an array of staff and students assisting on the set up, serving and clean up, while the Win-E-Mac Jazz band performed musical selections for the enjoyment of...
This year, as part of the required MN Graduation Standards, all of the 6th graders at Win-E-Mac School completed two music projects, which were presented to parents and family at an open house at Win-E-Mac School on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Both of these projects have been done in past years,...
On Monday, March 30, 2015, 27 Junior High Vocalists and 7 Junior High Instrumentalists from Win-E-Mac School participated in the Annual Junior High Band & Choir Festival held at Mahnomen High School. They spent the entire day rehearsing with other musicians from around our area. The day...
Balancing work and family is a juggling act faced by many working parents. Responsibilities to work and family often overlap, and that can make solving the riddle of balancing work and family that much more difficult.
Single-income households have decreased dramatically over the last several...