
DeAnna Haagenson owner of Crown Pet Spa in McIntosh with her furry friends Tito (belonging to Pastor Karl and Debbie Anderson) and Easton (belonging to Brice and Andrea Stordahl).
DeAnna Haagenson is a 1988 graduate of the Twin Cities School of Pet Grooming. She started a pet grooming business in McIntosh in 2003. Serving our local area and beyond, as far as Red Lake, Crookston, Ada, and the Fargo-Moorhead area as well.  Her skills and experience can be seen in each do groom...
The Win-E-Mac 4th graders headed out to the Vesledahl farm to pick the corn planted for the Win-E-Mac School students lunch program this spring. Thanks to Steve and Bob Vesledahl.
The fourth grade class of Win-E-Mac Elementary began to harvest some knowledge this year by visiting a corn field planted by Vesledahl Farms.  Steve and Bob Vesledahl planted a few acres of corn around the area this spring specifically for the Win-E-Mac School District.   The fourth graders were...
The school year has officially began. Starting off the year, was the Win-E-Mac Open House. Many community members attended the open house to check out the new Arts & Event Center that was mostly completed over the past summer, as was a new addition to the Industrial Arts classroom, and some...
The Tractor Pull during McIntosh Tractor Day on Saturday, August 29th, was fun for all ages. Here a young group watch as Joel Strom pulls.
This year’s Tractor Day in McIntosh was in rememberance of Rueben Brekke, a longtime owner and lover of all tractors. 
Steve Urness, co-chair of the McIntosh Tractor Day event, took some time to take one of his antique tractors through the parade last Saturday.
McIntosh Tractor Day was held last Saturday. It was a beautiful day for the event.
This Saturday in McIntosh will be full of fun and exciting things to do! Shine up your antique tractor and head Erickson Park for the tractor parade line up. No tractor to bring, well, bring your lawn chairs and line them up and down the streets for the parade starting at 10:00 am.  After the...
The McIntosh City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at the Community Center. The meeting was called to order and roll call was taken. Members of the Council present were Mayor Toby Strom, Melissa Finseth, and Ann Lian. Absent from the meeting were Wanda Stordahl and Steve...


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