
The McIntosh City Council met in regular session on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 5:30 pm at the McIntosh Community Center. The quorum was met and the meeting proceeded. There were no public concerns, so the council moved on to old business and with nothing to report or update, they quickly moved into...
How does one go on after the loss of a child?  When you are a single mother of four you really have no choice.  Lori Lucken’s son Nash was born April 5, 2012.  Soon after his birth, and some very scary times, it was determined that Nash was born with a very rare blood disorder.  So rare that is...
Tim “Bunny” Anderson and Cam Thompson enjoyed all the activites during Winger Appreciation Day on Saturday, June 27th. From the Car Show to the Fireman’s Ball in the evening.
The Winger Fire Department had its birth in May of 1915 when the Citizens Club elected a committee to ascertain what could be done toward providing the town with fire protection.  The first appointed Fire Chief was P.E. Krogstad. In September of that year, two chemical engines were purchased from...
Neil and Carol Bursheim attended the East Polk Relay for Life on Friday, June 26th in Fosston where Neil was the Survivor Speaker for the event.
8 years ago… “In fact last month it was 8 years ago”, that Neil thought wouldn’t see his daughter again as she suffered a long, but successful battle with cancer. When he left her home in Waldorf, Maryland. Carol, his wife, stayed to help take care of her and the granddaughters.  Neil came back to...
The Polk County Fair has been providing family fun for 115 years and this weekend should be no exception.  Fair gates open on Wednesday, July 8th with the Midway opening at 5:00 pm.  Come and see the Rodeo on Wednesday night of the fair starting at 7:00 pm in front of the grandstands.  If the Rodeo...
The McIntosh City Council met in regular session on Monday, June 15, 2015 at 5:30 pm at the McIntosh Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Toby Strom and all members of the Council were present. There was a determination of Quorum, agenda additions were added and minutes were...
Pictured front row: Kylie Brekke, Kendra Thompson, Kylie Stuhaug, and Kail Olson, back row: Sydney Tadman, Mariah McKeever, Tyra Wilson, Savannah Nelson and Coach Shelby Kaster
All three tournaments the team worked hard and represented Win-E-Mac well. In the Bagley tournament the team finished in first place.
Make plans this weekend to make your way to Winger. Starting on Friday evening, bring your dancing shoes as the new Liquor Pigs will host The Johnny Holm Band for a street dance starting at 9:00 pm. Then on Saturday plan to attend the first annual Winger Appreciation Day. Starting with an Antique...
The ladies who rode during the 3rd Annual Ordell Aanenson Memorial Ride on Saturday, June 13th. A lot of these riders (and passengers) are from the Shiftkicker’s Bike Club
The 3rd Annual Ordell Aanenson Memorial Ride had a great turnout of participants as the weather was perfect for a bike ride. There were many motorcycles in the parking lot that afternoon as friends and family gathered from near and far for this annual event. There were 23 bike involed and the group...


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