World War I
Tellef Aaknes - Osmund Aakre - Louis Anderson - Gunder Austad - Dennis Bergeron - Omer Bergeron - Halvor Birkland - Tellef Boe - Halvor Bjugson - Gunuff Breivold - Louis Cyr - Wilie Distad - Conrad Engebretson - Arthur Espeland - Andrew Fore - Edmund Gibeau - Adolph Gjernes - Thorald...
You've seen the video's on TV of people having drive-by birthday greetings, and recognition of other important dates. Well, it just happened north of Oklee on Saturday.
It was kept a secret from the boys as their parents planned this parade for them. Facebook and texts were sent to the neighbors...
On March 14, 2020 Dave Olson and Bobbie Olson entered pickleball tournaments in Apache Junction, AZ. The tournament play was a round robin format. Dave competed in the advanced players tournament and Bobbie competed in the intermediate players tournament. Dave placed 1st out of 10 players. Bobbie...
By: Karena Melby
The RLC Speech team competed at the Detroit Lakes Speech Meet on Saturday, March 7th. Mariah Peterson got 3rd place in Creative Expression, Autumn Houghtaling had an Honorable Mention in Discussion, and Hannah Dudycha had an Honorable Mention in Informative. Jayden Iverson received...
RLC Schools are busy trying to follow the Governor’s orders from yesterday and how we do it for this “planning time” shut down and then what we will have to adjust if a longer shut down comes. Starting with the Distance Learning part, then Food Service and School time day care for qualified...
Two Red Lake County Rebels basketball players were champions in the 2020 Regional Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship in Blackduck on Sunday March 1. Each of the boys won the local championship in January, the District championship in February, and have now won the Regional Championship. ...
November 6, 2019
Story about Earl and Bergit Swenson was in the Canary featuring all that the Swenson's accomplished over the years. News that Earl passed came as story was published.
The Red Lake Cancer Society held the 4th annual Festival of Tables in Brooks and it was once again a successful...
October 2, 2019
It has been a long couple of months for the staff and customers of Security State Bank waiting for all the changes to be completed. But is close to being completed.
Christopher Ingraham was at the Red Lake Falls Library on Thursday night to promote his new book “If You Lived Here...
A nice warm February 19th evening brought a large crowd into the Oklee Firemen's Blizzard Bonanza for a delicious Walleye Fish dinner and great entertainment.
During the social time which started at 5:30 p.m. and the meal that started at 6 p.m., Tim Eggebraaten entertained with his fun style of...
September 4, 2019
Brooks is ready to celebrate Saturday, September 7th with the 48th annual Blast To Brooks.
The Red Lake County Commissioners approved the 5-year road construction plan.
North Star Credit Union was honored for the Spartan Pride Financial Education Sessions that were taught at the...