
Back row - Odney Hegrenes, Bruce McWilliam, Jim Wertish, Gary Frisk, Paul Gustafson, Chuck Brinkman, Galen Enerson, Lewy Ronken (Buddy Holly) front row Lonnie Berg, Jean Schleicher McCabe, Tanis Gunderson Agar, Kay Eraker Carlson, Ruth Johnson Mandt, Linda Hendricks Barstad, Carole Schleicher Eckstrom, Gloria Covlin Carver, not pictured Leona Thompson Humphey.
Mac/Winger class of 1963 celebrated 55 years with dinner at Morans and a tribute to Buddy Holly in Winger. 
Kindergarten: 24-pack crayons, several pencils (the plain yellow ones are the best), pack of colored pencils, eraser, small pencil sharpener, 4 oz. or 8 oz. Elmer’s glue bottle, glue stick, kid’s scissors, folder, backpack, change of clothing (in a bag with child’s name), tennis shoes for the gym...
Pictured Left to right top row. Mark, Matthew, Loren, Bruce and Kyle. Bottom: David, Shirley, Jill and Gary.
Gary, Jill, Kyle and Kara Sonstelie traveled down to Minneapolis last weekend for a family reunion. Winger locals Shirley Sonstelie, Mark Sonstelie and Lori Heideman (Sonstelie) were also in attendance with their families. The reunion was hosted by Gordon Sonstelie sister, Karen Jacobson. The next...
Again this year, everyone is ready for the fun to begin at the Polk County Fair held from July 11th to July 15th at the Farigrounds in Fertile. The 118th Annual Fair will bring 5 days of action, excitement and fun for all. The Fair opens it's gates on Wednesday, July 11th at 8:00 am with "Sneak a...
Jens Stordahl was one of the many people who volunteered to help with the storm clean-up in McIntosh after a storm with strong winds blew through town around 4:30 am last Friday, June 29th. Jens is the son of Bryce and Andrea Stordahl, owners of Minnesota Rust.
In the wake of the severe storm that blew through East Polk County early Friday morning, community members in both Winger and McIntosh were out and about helping their friends, family and neighbors clean up the trees and debris which lay throughout the towns and scattered about all over the rural...
All non-metropolitan townships and cities with less than 400 registered voters located outside of the Minneapolis/St. Paul seven-county metropolitan area can choose to hold elections by mail. The City of McIntosh notified its' residents that voting in the 2018 Primary and General Elections, as...
Clifford Bartz and Gordy Oseth enjoy the nice weather before the Memorial Day Program in McIntosh on Monday, May 28th. Both men are local veterans.
Theo Scheytt was born in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany in 1930, 3 years before Hitler became Chancellor. As a young man, he was on the receiving end of Nazi propaganda which told him and all of Germany that Americans were gangsters like Al Capone. From 1939 to 1945, he was a member of the Hitler Youth...
Congratulations to the Win-E-Mac Class of 2018!
Win-E-Mac School celebrated the graduation of 30 high school seniors on Saturday, May 26th with family, friends and community members.
On Wednesday, June 6, 2018 from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm Aaron and Nicole Cook invite you to the Open House at the new Clubhouse Childcare Center in McIntosh. The Clubhouse is located in the former VFW Club building which has been remodeled and changed to suit the needs of a childcare center. The Cooks...


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